Things to Consider When Buying Baklava

Efkan Güllü, a baklava master from the last generation of the 145-year-old adventure, emphasized that citizens should be very conscious when buying baklava, which is in high demand especially during holidays and special occasions, and said: 'Let them look at its color first. Let them ask for a slice and smell it. Smelling is half the taste. If it smells like peanuts, walnuts or butter, it's okay. Let them also look at the bottom of the sherbet. If there is a lot of sherbet pooled at the bottom of the tray, then they are paying for dessert, not baklava. Let them warm it up a bit. Quality has an upfront price. Our people should be very conscious. Indeed, all kinds of raw materials enter Turkey. We are masters, artists. Baklava making is an art. "Let them distinguish between baklava and dessert," he said.
Efkan Güllü recommends citizens to do the following tests when purchasing baklava; It gives the following recommendations.
Test it by sight!
Good baklava reveals itself right in the display case. The color of well-baked baklava is golden yellow. Old masters called this 24 carat gold color. In addition, baklava should look fresh and whet the appetite.
If too much syrup has accumulated in the empty spaces of the baklava tray, too much syrup may have been added to make the baklava shrink. In good baklava, the syrup should be dark and should not make the baklava heavy both in terms of weight and taste.
Test it by hearing!
When a fork is inserted into a good baklava, a rustle is heard. This is a sign that the dough is rolled out thinly and the baklava is cooked well. The thinner the dough is rolled out, the better the baklava will be.
Test it by smell!
When the baklava is brought close to the mouth, the smell of plain butter and walnuts or pistachios used as a filling should come to the nose. Good baklava consists, first of all, of good ingredients.
Test it by taste!
The good or bad of baklava becomes apparent when it is eaten. Good baklava melts in your mouth; It leaves a unique taste on the palate; It doesn't affect the stomach either.